Last week I was able to notarize my .pkg installer without any problems.
This week all attempts have failed. The two error message in the log file are:
- "The binary is not signed with a valid Developer ID certificate."
- "The signature does not include a secure timestamp."
This is despite the application being signed with a legitimate Developer ID (the same I used last week, date is still valid), and I've verified that it is there with codesign.
Anyone seeing anything similar to this?
Has something changed requiring me to make a change to my toolings/command set?
Current Xcode build is: Version 11.3.1 (11C504)
Thanks to everyone for your feedback. After reading your posts and following your links, I was able to figure it out. It turns out the fault was mine. (1) I did not have the necessary certificate, and (2) I had to do a manual codesign with the new certificate
Before when I did a codesign -dvvvv I could see that the binary was signed, but the "Apple Development" signing certificate (line 3 below) was not sufficient.
$ codesign -dvvv --entitlements :- /tmp/helloworld.dst/usr/local/bin/helloworld
Authority=Apple Development: XXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXX)
After requesting and getting a "Developer ID Application" certificate, and then manually signing the binary with that, notarization started working for me again.
$ codesign -s "Developer ID Application: XXXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXX)" --options=runtime --force /tmp/helloworld.dst/usr/local/bin/helloworld
codesign -dvvv --entitlements :- /tmp/helloworld.dst/usr/local/bin/helloworld
Authority=Developer ID Application: XXXXXXX (XXXXXXXXXX)
So if the "Authority" field was "Apple Development: ...", notarization failed for me.
When the "Authority" field was "Developer ID Application: ...", notartization succeeded.
One last observation, I needed the --options=runtime option on the codesign command above to preserve the hardened runtime, another necessary condition for notarization.
Thanks again for everyone's help!