Infinite scrolling view

Even though SwiftUI offers a lot of features for building a UI, I found my self missing something. I'm trying to display a list with calendar information, one item pr. day. I want to scroll this fluently and by the nature of a calendar, there is not a specific start or end to the list, so a standard ScrollView or List does not suit the task.
I've therefore tried to put a custom control together. My approach is to have 2 items more that needed, initially positioned off screen (at the top and bottom). All items have the same height to keep the layout simple. I scroll by offsetting the items. Once the offset is greater than the height of an item, I shift the contents by 1 and reposition the items so I again have the first and last item placed off screen.
This method works quite well, as long a the item views are simple. When the individual items get complex, I see a stuttering effect when I drag it up and down. I suspect that the delay causing the stutter comes from the view being regenerated.
Is this approach good, and if so, what can I do to optimize it to reduce/remove the stuttering effect? If not, are there any alternate ideas for a solution?
I included a rough version of the source code here to give an idea of the design:

struct InfinityScroller<Item:View> : View
  @State private  var offset     : CGFloat = 0
  @State private  var itemIndex  : Int     = 0
  @State private  var itemOffset : CGFloat
  private let itemHeight     : CGFloat
  private let zero           : CGFloat
  private let item           : (Int,CGFloat,CGFloat) -> Item
  private let itemCount      : Int = 7
  private let offScreenCount : Int = 1

  init(location:ObservedObject<InfinityLocation>,zero:CGFloat,_ height:CGFloat=121,@ViewBuilder item : @escaping (Int,CGFloat,CGFloat) -> Item)
    self._location   = location        = zero
    self.itemHeight  = height
    self.item        = item
    self._itemOffset = State(initialValue: zero)
  var body : some View
      g in
      .gesture(DragGesture(minimumDistance: 0)
        { g in
        { g in
          self.offset += g.translation.height
  func updatePosition(_ scroll:CGFloat=0)
    let off = offset + scroll + zero
    itemIndex  = -Int((off/itemHeight).rounded(.down))
    itemOffset = off.mod(itemHeight)

  func makeItems(_ w:CGFloat) -> some View
    return ForEach (-offScreenCount...itemCount+offScreenCount,id:\.self)
    { i in
        .position(x:0,y:CGFloat(i) * self.itemHeight + self.itemOffset)

hello,after 3 years later,did you fixed it?

I’m recently trying to implement an infinite scrollable calendar, the principle is quite the same to yours. And also has the stutter issue when dragging.

Infinite scrolling view