subscription: strange transactionId uuid style

Sometime i got strange transactionId reported from the ios client.

Normally they are 15 digits like:


but sometimes i got 40 character uuid, example:


In that case the receipt does not contain any transactions (in_app list in the response when verifiying against apple is empty).

What does this mean? Is someone trying to hack or some strange fallback mechanism? Are there valid transactiondIds in this format?

I get similar String in response Header of verifyReceipt in the following header: x-apple-request-uuid


This looks like it may be In-App Purchase related instead of Apple Pay. Try posting your question over on in the In-App Purchase section as you may get a quicker response. If you do not hear anything back within a few days come back and let me know here and I can try and get you some assistance.

Matt Eaton

DTS Engineering, CoreOS

meaton3 at