Well, there are differences between SKLabelNode and UITextField for sure, but most of the functionality is there with SKLabelNode. Frankly, you would need some special reason to not use SKLabelNode if your app is primarily in SpriteKit. I would say there's really only two cases where you want to mix UIKit and SpriteKit:
- You're making a UIKit app, which uses some element of SpriteKit almost like an embedded thing, for example a mini-game within a normal iPhone app.
- You're making a SpriteKit app, but you need some functionality from UIKit that SpriteKit doesn't boast (such as a UIWebView, though nowadays even that is deprecated and you should use WKWebView instead, or the automatic scrolling of a UITextField, although I would even recommend programming your own scrolling).
Generally mixing should be done with some direct and thought-out goal in mind, because stuff can go wrong very quickly. For example UIKit and SpriteKit live on different times (SpriteKit has it's own game time that affects everything within the package, but wouldn't affect the UIKit elements) and xy-coordinate systems are different.
In short, you really should be using SKLabelNode unless you have some exceptional reason to do otherwise. Feel free to present your case.
About the rounded corners SKShapeNode issue, I would mainly recommend looking into 9-slice features of SKSpriteNode (https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/SpriteKit_PG/Sprites/Sprites.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013043-CH9-SW10). Native 9-slice features in SpriteKit allow you to designate parts of an image as corners, sides and middle, so the whole element gets stretched dynamically.
That said, I would also recommend considering if you really need dynamic stretching. I've done this stuff for years and years now with a good amount of success too 🙂, so in my experience the simplest and most minimal solutions are usually the best. With apps and games users want understandable and simple, and you end up with a much easier workload yourself, too, with that approach. It's a win-win!