Hi. I'm a new developer. This is my first question. I'd like to learn the syntax of Xcode so I can debug my Swift projects? How/where to learn this?

Hi. I'm a new developer. This is my first question. I'd like to learn the syntax of Xcode so I can debug my Swift projects? How/where to learn this?


The Xcode debug section is covered at a basic level in the Xcode Help reference accessed via the Xcode Help menu item. The LLDB debugger (the program Xcode shows in the console window when you start debugging) is documented at lldb.llvm.org . There are third party books about Xcode development out there. If you need help with the Swift language, there is swift.org or the "Swift Language Reference" in the Apple bookstore (it's free).

There are a lot of material on Internet:

This is the best I found:

h ttps://medium.com/headout-engineering/advanced-debugging-with-xcode-9eba2845232a

The Apple reference for learning in XCode


Some more:

h ttps://medium.com/@fadiderias/xcode-and-lldb-advanced-debugging-tutorial-part-1-31919aa149e0