Hi, Is there anyway to embed chrome or chromium browser on swift app? I want to perform SSO login using chrome browser and browser should invoke redirect URL when it get response from the server. Currently this is implemented using wkwebvie? but customer wants this to be done using chrome browser. Can we do it?
Chrome or Chromium browser on swift app
No, there is no Blink engine for iOS. Even the Chrome app is using WKWebView.
Is there anyway to perform SSO using AsWebAuthenticationSession API so that it will open the link in default browser?. Suppose my default web browser is configured as Chrome. Can i redirect URL to chrome browser and login using chrome browser
On iOS there is no way to set the default browser, and Chrome on iOS is still using the Safari engine, so I don't see the advantages…
what about macOS?. I want to run this from macOS. Apple documentation says ASWebAuthenticationSession API can be used with default web browser. I want to use this from macOS and not from iOS. Is there anyway to embed Chromium Browser from view? I tried implementing ASWebAuthenticationSession from macOS. But it always open safari as web browser even-though chrome is set as default browser