xcode organizer uploading app stuck at 100%

For a few days, there is a problem with xcode organizer and transporter when uploading a build.

I have multiple apps and some of them has 20+ builds so I'm quite familiar with some of the issues. But this one is different.


One of my app normally takes ~10 minutes to upload. Now it takes 10 minutes to fill the uploading progress bar and stuck there for more than 1 hours

- I tested with 2 different apps with different frameworks

- I tested with both xCode and Transporter
- I tested with different network connections
- App size didn't change between two builds

- Both xCode and Transporter uses JAVA under the hood to upload the app so I can see how much it uploads just by looking at Activity Monitor -> Network -> Sent Bytes

- This is at 9:35 https://imgur.com/akiaHDp

- This is at 10:05 https://imgur.com/L7r0KAj

- My app size doesn't exceed 100MB!

We are experiencing exactly the same issues:

XCode organizer:

  • After "checking Assets with AppStore" has completet the bar jumps to 100% and stays there.
  • In the instruments app the size of uploaded data goes up to 800mb with an app bundle size of about 200mb.

Transporter app:

  • Percentages are shown correctly (e.g. not just 0% or 100%)
  • Percentages increase to a certain number, then drop again by a certain number (e.g. the upload progress reaches say 69%, then suddenly drops back to 40%)
  • In the log it is shown that a lot of java timeout exceptions occur which cause the individual parts of the upload to restart.
  • This also explains why the uploaded size exceeds the size of the app bundle and the progress drops intermittedly: Part X is uploaded partly, then restarted after the exception occurs.

I suspect that our internet connection speed is too slow (Ping 36ms, Download 16 MBit/s, Upload 1.03 MBit/s) as I remember reading somewher that a faster connection is needed for upload.

My question:

Why is that? When I use Filezilla or upload to any file hosting website, the upload works steadily at our speed. Can we somehow change the configuration to keep just one connection open so that no timeout happens to the other connections?

Thank you so much!

I am facing the same issue.

I cannot upload my app, xcode jumps to 100% and stays there after checking assets with App Store.

Any solution to solve this issue.

Thank you so much.

After a few months, nothing has changed. I think it was after xcode update.

It became slower and uploading progress jumps from 0% to 100% and stuck there for a long period of time.

It doesn't show the progress of how much it's uploaded

Since yesterday (June 4th) I'm having same issue. No way to update app anymore. There's the famous Apple user experience and then there's the Apple dev experience...(..)

Same problem here with slow internet connection. When i used my mobile LTE as hotspot it worked fine.

I am also facing the same issue. Upload is getting stuck from xcode

I am facing the same issue from some month. App uploading stuck on both xCode and Transporter.
I have been having the same issue.

Using Centurylink DSL with 0.7 Mbps Upload speed, the package would not get to AppStore Connect.
Switching to AT&T 5GE with 20.2 Mbps Upload speed through my new iPhone 11 Pro hotspot, package was delivered.

Just chiming in that I'm also experiencing the issue with Xcode Organizer as well as Transporter. I'm unable to upload my app on this WAN.
Same problem here, trying to upload my app (10MB size) is taking around 1 hour to finish. While uploading the whole network is almost not working at all.
I used to upload larger app in literally 5 minutes...
If anyone have any clue on what's going on, please give us a shout
I'm having the same issue since yesterday!
Same issue here. But if I understand it correctly it will change to done if you wait? It just take really long time?
I am also having the same problem please any body help !
Having the same issue? Is there any solution?
Same issue here. Can not upload and Apple does nothing to solve this as always.
xcode organizer uploading app stuck at 100%