I found a different behaviour when generating a binary that uses SPM dependencies in objc and swift.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or if it's the intended behaviour.
Imagine that I create an Xcode project with a framework called MyLibraryContainer.
This framework is closed source, so I will distribute this framework as binary.
If I add to my framework a swift library A as dependency with SPM, and distribute a binary of MyLibraryContainer.framework, everything just works, because it seems that the swift library A it's inside MyLibraryContainer.
But If I add to my framework an objc library B as dependency with SPM, and distribute a binary of MyLibraryContainer.framework, I get an error while importing MyLibraryContainer `Missing required module B`.
To work around this issue, I need to integrate both MyLibraryContainer and B into the new project to avoid the Missing required module B error.
Is this a bug, or is there any restrictions with xcode projects that contains SPM objc dependencies?