I have a mixed-language project that began in Objective-C, but later we started using Swift for new classes.
In the Objective-C code, there is a custom collection view cell with its own XIB file. When used from a view controller that is also in Obj-C, it works fine.
However, when we try to use the cell in a Swift view controller, we see this error at the point where we try to dequeue a cell:
2020-01-14 18:53:36.505132-0600 UMIXX[24947:3977729] [Storyboard] Unknown class _TtC5UMIXX22SongCollectionViewCell in Interface Builder file.
The name of our cell is "SongCollectionViewCell", not "_TtC5UMIXX22SongCollectionViewCell", so it is unsurprising that a class with this name can't be found, but we have no idea where this name is coming from. I'm guessing it's due to some kind of Obj-C class name mangling, but I can't figure out what to do about it.