OutlineView in SwiftUI

Apple Recommended

  • IMO opinion Apple should not recommended as a solution for an outline view, as only partially provides what a an outline view does: just indentation/disclosure, not columns et al. Apple, please provide a built in SwiftUI component...

  • OutlineGroup is a joke IMHO, it neither has the style nor the featureset of a real NSOutlineView.

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AFAIK, you have to build it:

h ttps://twitter.com/schwa/status/1136498361110896641

I'm working through this same exercise at the moment...

So far I've found this one of the better articles to read - short and concise - https://dev.to/hugh_jeremy/adding-an-nstableview-to-a-swiftui-view-212p

Seems we need to create a wrapper with


This is a work-in-progress for me...

  • IMO opinion Apple should not recommended as a solution for an outline view, as only partially provides what a an outline view does: just indentation/disclosure, not columns et al. Apple, please provide a built in SwiftUI component...

  • OutlineGroup is a joke IMHO, it neither has the style nor the featureset of a real NSOutlineView.

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