Disable all warnings.

hi, I want to know how to remove/disable all errors on Xcode while am writing a code, as am practicing for an exam and the programme to be used for my exams Quincy only gives you errors when you run the code. Henceforth am trying to make Xcode similar to that environment instead of getting help from Xcode when ever am writing my a code.

You can hide the warnings (not errors) in the Issue navigator on the left with the filter button at the bottom


But they still show in code

You can also change the build settings:

- Go to your project (select at top of left panel)

- Select Project (above Targets)

- select Build settings

- for convenience, look for warning

- at the very bottom, you have Swift Compiler warning policy.

- turn Suppress warnings to Yes (may be you should do it only in debug mode, not in release mode)

You can do the same for objC, with a finer control.

Xcode menu > Preferences > General > Uncheck "Show live issues"

If you want to also disable code completion:

Xcode menu > Preferences > Text Editing > Editing > Uncheck "Suggest completions while typing"

You'll still get some hints about what is and isn't valid from the syntax highlighting, so if that's a problem:

Xcode menu > Preferences > Fonts & Colors > Create a new theme, select all the syntax types and set them all to the same font and color.

Step 3: Assuming it's possible, delete your Swift Evolution post since that was totally the wrong place for that question.

I tested on XCode 11.2.

In my test,

Xcode menu > Preferences > General > Uncheck "Show live issues"

does not remove warnings such as:

Initialization of variable 'x' was never used; consider replacing with assignment to '_' or removing it

Where build settings do remove those warnings.

Note: it is also possible to suppress Interface Builder alerts through build settings.

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I don't get any live unused variable warnings when live issues are turned off. I do get them at build/run time, along with everything else.

What I think OP is asking for is to get no warnings or errors as they type, but to get warnings and errors at build time, as the Quincy IDE works.

Disable all warnings.