Xcode Simulate MetricKit Payloads Broken in 13.3

I'm unable to get even a small test app to send anything using the Xcode Debug -> Simulate MetricKit Payloads option. I've rolled back a few versions of Xcode and still get nothing. I think the issue is with the OS and not the dev tools.

Can anyone corroborate this? Can anyone from Apple verify that they're aware of this issue and it's being worked on?

A coworker found a device on 13.1.3 that does get payloads using the newest Xcode. It's our conclusion that this is definitely a problem with iOS rather than the developer tools.

I ran into this issue and I just installed iOS 13.3.1 beta onto an iPhone X and it appears that the Xcode Debug -> Simulate MetricKit Payloads option now works with this latest beta version.

Xcode 12/11.5 Debug -> Simulate MetricKit Payloads crashes Xcode hard. Anyone else having these issues?
Same here. Nothing. Xcode 11.5, real device 13.5.1
Hi mikeKane, Oliver Epper,

Would it be possible for you to file feedback assistant reports with Apple and pass the numbers to me here? It'd be useful in diagnosing where exactly the issue is.


Hi mikeKane, Oliver Epper,
I am also facing the same issue on xcode 12 and ios14, I also tried on xcode 11.3, 11, iOS 13.3.1 but xcode is crashing in all the configurations
Did you get it resolved ?

Hi ragovi,

Any chance you can attach Xcode crash report here?


Please find the attachment


Hi Ravi,

This crash happened on Xcode 11.0. It should be already fixed in Xcode 11.4 and 12 Beta. Please let me know if you see otherwise.
Hi Kacper
Actually I tried on xcode 11.3, 11, 12 beta and crash still occurs on all the versions

Please find the stack report for xcode 12 beta

Thanks so much Ravi, that's super useful. This one crashes in a bit different place, so we'll investigate.
Kacper, is there any way I can somehow unblock myself to look at metric payload.
Also does MetricKit work on app extensions ?
Would also be glad to hear whether MetricKit works on normal developer release builds/adhoc distributions, so that I can check the payload waiting for 24 hours.

Ravi, when you try the to simulate the MetricKit Payload do you have an App Extension scheme active in Xcode. It looks like that will cause a crash in Xcode.
I have network extensions in my app. I have tried following 3 scenarios
1) MetricKit Payload only in Network Extensions
2) MetricKit Payload only in Host app
3) MetricKit Payload in both NetworkExtensions and host app

In all the above scenarios xcode got crashed.
Could you also please help in getting answers for my below concerns
1) Does metricKit work on dev builds and adhoc distribution (i.e would I get payload atleast once in 24 hours). I waited for 48 hours but I didn't get any payload though. Does it work only on testflight and appstore ?
2) Does metricKit work on Network Extensions (atleast I didn't get any build errors doing though, but wanted to know whether apple provides me payload atleast once in 24 hours on Network Extensions)
We will need to go more in-depth. Please file a Feedback report with an Xcode video of each of those scenarios that causes the crash. You can use QuickTime for taking the videos. For your other two questions please file Feedback reports for those as well so the MetricKit team can respond to them.
MetricKit is not meant to be used with App Extensions.
Xcode Simulate MetricKit Payloads Broken in 13.3