Property Wrapped Value if accessed from other files give non optional type

// MARK: UserDefault Property Wrapper

struct UserPreferenceField<T : Codable> {
    let key: UserPreferenceFieldKey
    var wrappedValue : T? {
        get {
            guard let decodedData = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key.rawValue) as? Data else { return nil }
            return try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: decodedData)
        set {
            do {
                let encodedValue = try JSONEncoder().encode(newValue)
                 UserDefaults.standard.set(encodedValue, forKey: key.rawValue)
            } catch {
                 print("Error in saving codable value - \(error.localizedDescription)")
    init(key:UserPreferenceFieldKey) {
        self.key = key

enum UserPreferenceFieldKey : String {
    case userSelectedTags = "MLQUserSelectedTags"
    case userLastActivePlalist = "MLQUserLastActivePlalist"
    case userLastActivePlayableEntityMeta = "MLQUserLastActivePlayableEntityMeta"
    case currentUSer

struct HarkAppPreference {
    @UserPreferenceField(key: .userSelectedTags)
    static var userSelectedTags: [MLQTag]
    @UserPreferenceField(key: .userLastActivePlalist)
    static var userLastActivePlaylist: [PlayableEntity]
    @UserPreferenceField(key: .userLastActivePlayableEntityMeta)
    static var userLastActivePlayableEntityMeta: LastPlayableEntityMeta
    @UserPreferenceField(key: .currentUSer)
    static var user: User

This is my PropertyWrapper which I created to use for saving data to UserDefault, this worked to my expectations to use the value with optional chaining if used from within the file where I have written the PropertyWrapper code.

But this given an error Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'User' when used in another file like below

class ABC {

    func sss(){
        if let _ = HarkAppPreference.user { // here is gives errorwhen used in other file but work ok if used in same file


Answered by ankitfromnull in 398869022

on Xcode 11.2.1 it compiled for me and worked too if I use it from file1.swift

I took your code, cut out all the extraneous stuff, and added my best guess as to the definition of the

type. The end result was this:
// file1.swift

import Foundation

struct UserPreferenceField<T: Codable> {

    init(key: UserPreferenceFieldKey) {
        self.key = key

    let key: UserPreferenceFieldKey

    var wrappedValue : T? {
        get { fatalError() }
        set { fatalError() }

enum UserPreferenceFieldKey: String {
    case currentUser

struct User: Codable {
    var name: String

struct HarkAppPreference {

    @UserPreferenceField(key: .currentUser)
    static var user: User?
// file2.swift

import Foundation

class ABC {
    func sss(){
        if let _ = HarkAppPreference.user {


This compiles for me (using Xcode 11.3). The key difference is line 32 of

, where I declare the property type to be
. Without that,
wouldn’t compile at all, even if I removed

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

ps DTS is closed 21 Dec through 1 Jan.

Accepted Answer

on Xcode 11.2.1 it compiled for me and worked too if I use it from file1.swift

Property Wrapped Value if accessed from other files give non optional type