Xcode local developer documentation is incomplete

Hi! I found that the local developer documentation is in complete, because I was able to find a more complete documentation page in Apple's website.

I am using the up-to-date XCode (version 11.3). When coding in SwiftUI mode, I opened the "Developer Documentation" from "Help" menu. In the documentation window I opened the pagge for Button.onTapGesture method. This page

-- had no overview description available

-- had no "See Also" section.

However, I found this link in Apple website presenting the above missing information.


Is there any way I can view the complete documentation from local?

Thank you!

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>XCode provides me a quick and easy way to access them from the code.

If that built-in feature set as-is doesn't meet your workflow needs, feel free to file enhancements requests via the bug report link below, adding your FB # to your thread for ref., thanks and good luck.

I think, tho that the more you work with the tools. the more you'll fall into a rhythm that lets you get things done.

>new learner who need to check almost a hundred document page a day.

Just hundreds? Why so few? New learners should lean in...The more you know, the more you grow. Be the sponge.

Remember, it's called development for a reason...you're not just developing your apps, you're doing the same thing with your skill set.

Maybe one of these days you'll be writing the docs, not just using them. Then, you get to dictate what's local, and what's online 😉. Better yet...make tools that don't need docs...you'll be a hero.


>any way I can view the complete documentation from local?

'local' w/an Xcode download/install is just Xcode Help...your example means dealing with SwiftUI material, which is typically only found online.

I'd otherwise advise against working offline, tho, if that is what you're proposing. The ability to interact w/the backend is critical to a full service IDE.

If you're just looking to have bedtime reading...fossilized docs risk being outdated quickly and are not to be relied on.

Live large...stay connected. It's a connected world, after all.

Hi KMT and Jim Dovey,

I submitted a bug report in https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/feedback/7496464

Not get getting response. For now I am more frequently using online document.

Thank you!

Thanks for filing a radar, the docs missing definitely seems like a bug. I wouldn't expect the new SwiftUI tutorials, but I think Button.onTapGesture, etc., should be there.
I use the Xcode Developer Documentation sometimes too, since it can be faster to look things up. I probably ran into this and just thought the docs didn't exist 😮.

I am glad that this time seems I did something useful for the community 🙂