Feedback assistant feedback

This is probably the closest forum to post this... wanted to ask if others are getting any feedback on bugs filed with the Feedback Assistant application.

Over the years, when using bugreport (radar), I got decent updates regarding whether bugs were duplicates, when they got fixed or if more detailed info was needed. So far in Feedback Assistant, all my issues are still just open with no feedback whatsoever. Some open now for several months.

Every major release of the OS or Xcode, I update the bugs with a short "still exists in version" note. I feel as if these will never get fixed. I'd at least like a "works as designed" or "too low a priority" note so I don't keep wasting my time.

Are others getting feedback on bugs they filed through this app?

On one FB filed nov 9, got a request for sample code on nov 15

One filed oct 14, comment as "normal behavior" on nov 6

No news on 4 others filed since Sept.

Wow, I just posted a similar thread:

I have no response at all since September 2019, when I started using the Feedback Assistant.

Stuck since June with 3 serious issues on iOS 14, not present in iOS 13. If iOS 14 will be released as it is, we’ll have to retire the app from the store due to compatibility issues, and our help desk will be flooded by messages of angry users.
At every beta we update the feedbacks with the usual, and I suspect useless, “Still present in beta x”.

If they only allowed to share feedbacks, it would be easier to group identical issues and lighten their work. Welcome to the App Store (I’m publishing on it since 2009 and the problems are the same, just take it or leave).
Feedback assistant feedback