8 directional sprite system

Hello I'm here again. I am trying to learn sceneKit once again cause I'm gonna make an engine that I always wanted to do.

First things first. I would want to ask how to put 2D sprites in a 3D environment and make the image change depending on the direction from the player. I could look this up myself but I'll say this first and then look up the documentations cause every bit of help is required.

I am using Xcode with Swift. I'll say what version I have later cause it's required. Right?

Meerjel01 (New username)

I guess I have to use a plane?

Xcode version 9.4.1

yes. you would use a plane and update it's texture. you can render spritekit scenes as textures in 3d nodes but not spritekit nodes as nodes in 3d space.

8 directional sprite system