As I understand, it's possible to vary the row-height of the table row so that large amount of text fits in the the TextView. Somehow I can't seem to get it to work.
Is it possible to provide detailed steps/screenshots ?
Thanaks for all the help
Sorry, I should have guessed as we are in Cocoa forum.
In Cocoa, you have
optional func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, heightOfRow row: Int) -> CGFloat
Seems that you'll find more details in WWDC 2015
WWDC video "Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 1", mystery #4, "Self-Sizing Table View Cells".
View all, but self sizing table view cell is @24'
Essentially, you have to do is set a constrainst fro the text to the top and to bottom of cell.
May read also this old post