iPad Pro 11" Crops SCNScene

When I run my iOS 13.2 SceneKit app using the iPad Pro 11" simulator (Version 11.2.1) on Xcode 11.2.1, the scene is cropped on the top and bottom. I'm trying to find the correct way to accomodate the unique aspect ratio of the iPad Pro 11" such that no cropping occurs. Allowing camera control in my app really isn't appropriate.

My app allows the SCNView to be zoomed; so my first thought was to check the constraints. The view hierarchy is as follows: A UINavigationController hosts three UIContainerViews. One of the containerViews hosts a UIViewController subclass instance. A UIScrollView's top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints are set to the safe area of that viewController's view. A SCNView's top, bottom, leading and trailing constraints are set to the safe area of the scrollView. The width constraint priority of the SCNView is 1000. The height constraint priority of the SCNView is 250. These settings allow correct display on all simulators except the iPad Pro 11".

The only solution that occurs to me is to add a control which allows the camera to be moved on the z-axis. Is there a better solution?

Thank you.

do you have any spritekit overlays?

iPad Pro 11" Crops SCNScene