switfUI for MacOS app

how to create a swiftUI playgroud for a macoS application ?

I have seen several tutorial that work for a iOS application, but it seem not working for a macOS app.


Accepted Reply

I don't think it is possible.

Read this: h ttps://ericasadun.com/2019/06/06/good-things-swiftui-on-mojave-in-ios-playgrounds/

This won’t work with macOS, which attempts to use the native frameworks, which don’t yet support SwiftUI


I don't think it is possible.

Read this: h ttps://ericasadun.com/2019/06/06/good-things-swiftui-on-mojave-in-ios-playgrounds/

This won’t work with macOS, which attempts to use the native frameworks, which don’t yet support SwiftUI

On macOS, you can only create and edit a swift playground file via Xcode that can then be run on an iPad.

See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift_playgrounds/creating_and_running_a_playground_book

Apple just released Swift Playgrounds for macOS - but it requires Catalina.
