Refactoring Class name breaks project

Basically i renamed the ContentView class by right clicking and selecting refactor. It just killed the project. File cannot be found anymore and appears red or grayed out. Looks like xcode still can't handle the simplest things. Any way to undo this without recreating the whole project?


This is a SwiftUI project ?

Did you try to perform an option-clean build folder ?

I would look in finder and see if the files are present there.

You may need to delete the broken file entries and add back the refactored files into the correct target(s)

I did, and it did not help anything.

The original file with the original file name is there, but everything inside it was renamed as it was suppose to be. I guess refactoring is out. Also it crashes the entire computer when i add and iPad as a preview device. It's been a while since i had to use xcode, but boy is it a dumpster fire

Did you file a bug for this ?

Probably will eventually if i get stuck using xcode.