XCode11 Failed to synthesize event

Running my UI Test in xCode 11.x (tried all) I have sometime "Failed to synthesize event: Neither element nor any descendant has keyboard focus. Event dispatch snapshot: TextField, placeholderValue: 'Your Email', value: "

And the tet was working because and does not always occurs. But the fact is all my UI tests and screenshots workflow is broken.

Does anyone has some issue around UI testing since 11.x ?

+1 on this issue. I've been trying to fix our UI tests for a few days, but no luck. They intermittently fail locally and in CI (CircleCI).

+1 on this issue. Tests fail when running using the xcodebuild command but not when being run from Xcode GUI.

Sorry for copy-paste, but the problem is exactly the same as in aztristian comment 🙂
+1 on this issue. Tests fail when running using the xcodebuild command but not when being run from Xcode GUI.

same, +1 on this issue.
Connect hardware keyboard' is off. And XCUIApplication returns to me, what keyboards.element.exist = true :/

same, +1 on this issue. 

same , +1 on this issue. XCode 14


We would love to see any reproducible code snippets of this issue, to see if there is a bug.

It would also be helpful to file a report on Feedback Assistant with information on how to reproduce the error: https://feedbackassistant.apple.com/

XCode11 Failed to synthesize event