VOIP and Xcode 11


We've switched to Xcode 11 and are currently working on iOS 13 support for our app, but we've ran into a strange problem. We're using an external framework to make in app video calls and are using their latest version, which supports iOS 13.

We've received an error connected with this framework while distributing an archive of our app and have reached out to them for a solution. Their response was that we have to keep using Xcode 10 in order for their framework to work properly because Xcode 11 doesn't support VOIPs as of yet.

Is the statement that VOIPs aren't supported in Xcode 11 correct, and if yes when should we expect it to be supported?

Also, they state that Xcode 11 is not stable yet and that they're waiting for a stable version to make their Xcode 11 support. Is this true?

Best Regards,

Petar Antonov