Prefetch cancelation problem on OperationQueue

I use the most usual method to load images:

dataSource = DataSource(collectionView: collectionView) { collectionView, indexPath, identifier in
      switch indexPath.section {
      case 0:
        return self.configureCell(type: DSCVFeed1CollectionViewCell.self, in: collectionView, for: indexPath) { cell in
          guard case let .feed1(model) = identifier else { return }
          cell.representedId = model.identifier
          cell.configure(with: model)
            for: model.identifier,
            with: (model.imageUrl, cell.illustrationSize, collectionView.traitCollection.displayScale)
          ) { image in
            DispatchQueue.main.async {
              guard cell.representedId == model.identifier else { return }
              cell.configure(with: image)
     // ...


  func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, prefetchItemsAt indexPaths: [IndexPath]) {
    for indexPath in indexPaths {
      guard indexPath.section != 10 else { continue }
      guard let item = dataSource.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath) else { continue }
        for: item.identifier,
        with: (item.imageUrl, CGSize(width: 100.0, height: 100.0), collectionView.traitCollection.displayScale)
  func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cancelPrefetchingForItemsAt indexPaths: [IndexPath]) {
    for indexPath in indexPaths {
      guard indexPath.section != 10 else { continue }
      guard let item = dataSource.itemIdentifier(for: indexPath) else { continue }

Also I use simple AsyncImageFetcher(with some custom) class provided by Apple in UICollectionViewDataSourcePrefetching documentation:

final class AsyncImageFetcher {
  // MARK: - OSLog
  private static let log =
      ? OSLog(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, category: "AsyncImageFetcher")
      : .disabled
  // MARK: - Queues
  private let underlyingQueue: DispatchQueue?
  private let fetchQueue: PSOperationQueue
  // MARK: - Stores
  private var operations = [UUID: GetPreferredImageOperation]()
  typealias CompletionHandler = (UIImage) -> Void
  private var completionHandlers = [UUID: [CompletionHandler]]()
  private let cache = PSCache<uuid, uiimage="">()
  // MARK: - DI
  typealias Dependency = (URLSession)
  let (session): Dependency
  // MARK: - Initializers
  init(dependency: Dependency = (.shared), underlineQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil) {
    (session) = dependency
    self.underlyingQueue = underlineQueue
    fetchQueue = PSOperationQueue()
    fetchQueue.underlyingQueue = underlineQueue
  // MARK: - Fetch API
  typealias Parameters = (url: URL, pointSize: CGSize, scaleFactor: CGFloat)
  func fetchAsync(
    for identifier: UUID,
    with params: Parameters,
    completionHandler: CompletionHandler? = nil
  ) {

      if let completionHandler = completionHandler {
        let completionHandlers = self.completionHandlers[identifier, default: []]
        self.completionHandlers[identifier] = completionHandlers + CollectionOfOne(completionHandler)
      self.fetchData(for: identifier, with: params)
  func cancelFetch(_ identifier: UUID) {
      //self.fetchQueue.isSuspended = true
      //defer { self.fetchQueue.isSuspended = false }

     // self.operations[identifier]?.cancel()
      // self.completionHandlers[identifier] = nil
  // MARK: - Private
  private func fetchData(for identifier: UUID, with params: Parameters) {
    guard operations[identifier] == nil else { return }
    if let data = cache[identifier] {
      invokeCompletionHandlers(for: identifier, with: data)
    } else {
      let operation =
          identifier: identifier,
          underlyingQueue: underlyingQueue,
          session: session,
          at: params.url,
          to: params.pointSize,
          withScale: params.scaleFactor
        ) { [weak self] (preferredImage) in
          guard let image = preferredImage else { return }

          self?.cache[identifier] = image

          self?.invokeCompletionHandlers(for: identifier, with: image)
      operation.completionBlock = { [weak self, unowned operation] in
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
          self?.operations[operation.identifier] = nil
      operations[identifier] = operation
  private func invokeCompletionHandlers(for identifier: UUID, with fetchedData: UIImage) {
    let completionHandlers = self.completionHandlers[identifier, default: []]
    self.completionHandlers[identifier] = nil
    for completionHandler in completionHandlers { completionHandler(fetchedData) }

GetPreferredImageOperation is a simpleGroupOperationfrom AdvancedOperation WWDC topic.

The problem is that without canceling operations, everything works much faster and creates much fewer threads. Although it should be exactly the opposite. What could be the matter? All OperationQueue`s use a same private serial queue as underlyingQueue.

Without cancelling:
With cancelation: