SwiftUI and request permission

Hi All.

I'm new to SwiftUI, l'll write an app that need access contacts.

How can I ask permission in swiftui ?

someone can help me ?


Generally speaking, permissions are requested when you attempt to use the API. In the case of Contacts, you explicitly request them by importing the Contacts framework, creating an instance of

, and calling
, passing an entity type of
(the only type available at present). Doing so will automatically present a dialog asking the user to approve access. You can check whether you need to request access by calling
directly; that way, if the user selects temporary authorization (for one hour, for example), you can determine if you need to re-request authorization as soon as you launch, or (better) as soon as you enter an area of your app that wants to access the user's contacts.

Here's a more tangible example:

import Contacts

let authStatus = CNContactStore.authorizationStatus(for: .contacts)
switch authStatus {
    case restricted:
        print("User cannot grant permission, e.g. parental controls in force.")
    case denied:
        print("User has explicitly denied permission.")
        print("They have to grant it via Preferences app if they change their mind.")
    case notDetermined:
        print("You need to request authorization via the API now.")
    case authorized:
        print("You are already authorized.")

let store = CNContactStore()
if authStatus == notDetermined {
    store.requestAccess(for: .contacts) { success, error in
        if !success {
            print("Not authorized to access contacts. Error = \(String(describing: error))")

// Access contacts API here.
SwiftUI and request permission