Xcode 11.1 & Catalina missing UI elements

Hello. I started to port my project to the released version of Catalina but I encountered a wierd problem.

Some of the elements of the UI, like the Apple logo menu item, and some NSPopupButtons and NSButtons are not rendered if I compile the application with XCode 11.1 on Catalina. Exactly the same project runs as expected if compiled on Mojave. Look at the folling image: https://www.icloud.com/sharedalbum/#B0F532ODWGq8CPk

Same thing happens in other windows of the same app. All the widows have standar controls made with IB.

Any help to solve this issue is appreciated.

- Joaquin!

It's Xcode. If I start the app. from the generated executable in the Finder it works correctly. If I start the app. with XCode's 'Build and Run' it shows the issue.

Now, that's the issue with XCode?

Xcode 11.1 & Catalina missing UI elements