xcode11 archive IPA processing failed

xcode11 archive IPA processing failed


Remember, you can't archive if:

- a simulator is selected instead of a device*

- there is an error when building*

- you haven't finished the 'Prepare for Submission’ stage for that app in App Store Connect

- See: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/LanguagesUtilities/Conceptual/iTunesConnect_Guide/Chapters/ChangingAppStatus.html

- you've recently renewed your (required) apple developer account, and not yet updated the provisions to reflect that activity.

* You must have at least one device registered in the Member Center, but it doesn’t have to be connected to your Mac/Xcode when building, in which case select ‘generic iOS/tvOS device'

- - - If this is just about testing to a device and you're getting a message that Xcode can't archive, try deleting all older versions of that app on the target device first.

Also see TN2215 on troubleshooting archiving: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/technotes/tn2215/_index.html

I getting the same issue with XCode 11 and Alamofire 5 beta 2 It all works when I archive in Xcode 10. The logs tell me nothing.