is Initial View Controller does not seem to work in Xcode 11 for legacy code

We have legacy Objective-C code in which a LaunchViewController has an entry point to the left of the controller in the storyboard. It has "is Initial View Controller" enabled in Xcode 11, so that we can test its navigation with iOS 13 simulator.

When we debug, it always starts in AppDelegate.m within "didFinishLaunchingWithOptions". However, we need the app to start within "viewDidLoad" of the LaunchViewController.

We can't figure out how to get Xcode 11 to recognize LaunchViewController as the entry point.

Please advise.

Thank you.

It is logical that app starts in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

This has nothing to do with the selection of initial view controller, which will be the first displayed after the launchStoryboard.

Is LaunchViewController the first displayed after launchStoryboard ?

We didn't realize iOS 13 recommends "Launch Screen.storyboard". Can we have it trigger LaunchViewController and how?

This is legacy code so we are learning iOS 13 changes as we go.

Thank you.

Just make LaunchViewController your initial controller, and transition will occur automatically.

If you don't want user to see too visible transition, set the launchScreen background to look similar to LaunchViewController.

is Initial View Controller does not seem to work in Xcode 11 for legacy code