I am playing around with Pinch Gesture for fun to try to learn, however, I do not see my "PINCH" print statement displayed in the console.
Why does my print("PINCH") statement not show up in the Console when the code is run?
(Note: After the program is running in the simulator, I press the <Option> key and see the two "pinch" circles. I then use the mouse to move the circles closer together and then farther apart)
Initial Setup
- Added a new ViewController in my storyboard
- Created a New Cocoa Touch File (type of ViewController) and called it "GesturesViewController"
- Associated the "GesturesViewController" class with the ViewController object I added previously so they are linked
- Dragged a UIView object on the ViewController and resized it to be large
- Created an IBOutlet of the UIView and called it "letterView" (see code added below)
- Defined the pinch gesture recognizer within the didSet{ } of the IBOutlet letterView to call "processPinch" method (see code below)
- Run the code, do the "pinching" with the two circles and the mouse and the "PINCH" text does not show up in the Console
import UIKit
class GesturesViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad()
@IBOutlet weak var letterView: UIView! {
let pinch = UIPinchGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(processPinch(_:)))
@objc func processPinch(_ sender: UIPinchGestureRecognizer)
This was definitely "user error" as expected, but I just could not figure it out until now.
I was doing the "pinch" with the mouse incorrectly.
This is what I was doing when it DID NOT work:
- Press the "Option" key
- See the two circles
- Move the mouse back and forth
This is what I was doing when it DID work:
- Press the "Option" key
- See the two circles
- Click the mouse button (to simulate touching the screen)
- Move the mouse back and forth
Thanks for all the support . I am very glad I figured this one out.