Spritekit action

Hello, I come to you because I am in front of a problem that I do not understand. I would like to perform an action of a "player" if one clicks on the left and do another action on one clicks on the right. But when I click once on the right and once on the left, the two actions are done continuously without stopping (a left shot and a right shot), I do not understand why while I stop the actions at the beginning of the function

thank you

   override func touchesMoved(_ touches: Set, with event: UIEvent?) {
        for t in touches { self.touchMoved(toPoint: t.location(in: self)) }

func ChangementTexture () {
        let Frontiere11 = self.Vueprincipale.childNode(withName: "Frontiere1") as? SKSpriteNode
        if PositionDoigt.x<player1.position.x && PositionDoigt.y<Frontiere11!.frame.minY {
            GestionAnimationPlayer1(Direction: "Gauche")
        if PositionDoigt.x>player1.position.x && PositionDoigt.y<Frontiere11!.frame.minY {
            GestionAnimationPlayer1(Direction: "Droite")

func GestionAnimationPlayer1(Direction:String) {
        //Suppression de tous les child de player
        if let child = self.Vueprincipale.childNode(withName: "player1") as? SKSpriteNode {
            positionDuPlayer = child.position
            child.removeAction(forKey: "MarcherGaucheAction1")
            child.removeAction(forKey: "MarcherDroiteAction1")
         for i in 1...4 {
             let textureName = "Marcher\(Direction)\(i)"
             TexturePlayer1.append(SKTexture(imageNamed: textureName))

         /*if (TexturePlayer1.count>1) {
             player1 = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Marcher\(Direction)1")
         let action1 = (SKAction.repeatForever(SKAction.animate(with: TexturePlayer1, timePerFrame: 0.2)))
         player1.name = "player1"
         player1.run(action1, withKey: "Marcher\(Direction)Action1")
         if let child = self.Vueprincipale.childNode(withName: "player1") as? SKSpriteNode {
             child.position = positionDuPlayer
        //Calcul du temps de placement du player pour que ce soit lineaire
        let calculPythagorePourBougerPlayer1Lineairement = sqrt(abs(PositionDoigt.x-player1.position.x)+abs(PositionDoigt.y-player1.position.y))
        let calculPythagorePourBougerPlayer1Lineairement1 = sqrt((view!.frame.width)+(view!.frame.height))
        var calculPourTempsPlayer = 2*((calculPythagorePourBougerPlayer1Lineairement)/calculPythagorePourBougerPlayer1Lineairement1)
        if calculPourTempsPlayer<0 { calculPourTempsPlayer = calculPourTempsPlayer*(-1) }
        let tempsDeDeplacementDuPlayer:TimeInterval = TimeInterval(calculPourTempsPlayer)
        var actionArray = [SKAction]()
        actionArray.append(SKAction.move(to: PositionDoigt, duration: tempsDeDeplacementDuPlayer))
        self.run(SKAction.wait(forDuration: tempsDeDeplacementDuPlayer)) {
            if let child = self.Vueprincipale.childNode(withName: "player1") as? SKSpriteNode {
                child.removeAction(forKey: "MarcherGaucheAction1")
                child.removeAction(forKey: "MarcherDroiteAction1")
                self.player1.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed:"Repos1")
