Cellular call running on iOS13 and VoIP push received will fail the cellular call

1. VoIP enabled app installed using Dev proile

2. Call the device by using cellular number -- Call running

3. VoIP call from server -- VoIP push arrived

4. App is using Push-kit with Call-kit screen

5. Showing Accept/Decline option for 20 sec [We can notice tha celluar call + incoming VoIP call both are avilable as an option]

6. Disconnecting the cellular call and VoIP call both. after 20 sec and showing alert "Call Failed."

Face-Time, Whatsapp and Google Duo works fine with the app but Cellular call is getting failed.

Using iOS 13 devices.

Please note :- We are following all the recommendation from apple for iOS 13 with VoIP push, Showing Incoming screen when VoIP push arrived.