I can't run app into my iPhone


Could not locate installed application

Domain: com.apple.platform.iphoneos

Code: -1

Recovery Suggestion: Install claimed to have succeeded, but application could not be found on device. bundleId = com.******.mobile


Installed application was not present in database of installed apps after multiple lookup attempts.

Domain: com.apple.platform.iphoneos

Code: -1



I am having same error.. really headeche..

The same situation on my side too, any solution?

I am having same error.. really headeche..

Is there any solution?

I had the same situation, if you have a free account, this is limited to install three applications in your device, I deleted one app and the I could to install a new one

After updating xcode, I have the same error, any solution?

Same issue here. Clean repo cloning, Xcode reinstallation, Keychain certificate cleanup didn't help :/

Fixed mine. Was caused by Alamofire framework (via Carthage) not being copied during build phase (used to be in Embedded libraries section in Xcode before, but it's gone now and choosing embedding type didn't work).

The script body is: `/usr/local/bin/carthage copy-frameworks`

The paths are `$(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/Alamofire.framework` for input files and `$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)/$(FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH)/Alamofire.framework` for output ones.

Hope this helps or lets you find your solution.

I'm glad you found your issue. On my side, the frameworks are copied into the ipa bundle and are located in the correct places. The app is not being installed onto _any_ phone though while Xcode seems to think it is. This has to be top 3 broken Xcode toolset releases I've ever seen in iOS's lifetime -_-.