SKRenderer freezes with xcode11 ios13

Hi all,

A metal project of mine suddenly stopped working after upgrading to Xcode11 and iOS13. I found out that this is related to the SKRenderer class and its render(withViewport:commandBuffer:renderPassDescriptor:) method. I use metal to render a 3d environment and use SKRenderer to overlay a UI on top of that. Xcode does not crash or present any error, it just stops drawing/updating after a couple of frames (around 0.5 seconds in) and freezes my screen. This only happens when running the app through Xcode. If I run the app directly from my phone after, it runs just fine. However, this prevents me from using Xcode's debugging tools.

I tried to create a new clean project using SKRenderer and only one scene with one label, but it still freezes. I also tried removing SKRenderer from my rendering setup, this works but obviously I need my SpriteKit UI.

The code where it goes wrong is shown below (i removed all the clutter to only show the essentials).

public init(....) {

        self.render = SKRenderer(device: OContext.device)
        self.render.scene = aSKScene

open func draw(commandBuffer: MTLCommandBuffer) {

        // Draw scene
        let viewport = CGRect(origin:, size: self.size)
        self.render.update(atTime: CACurrentMediaTime())
          // FREEZES BELOW
        self.render.render(withViewport: viewport, commandBuffer: commandBuffer, renderPassDescriptor: self.descriptor)

When the app freezes and I click on pause within Xcode it shows me:

App > Thread 1 > 0 semaphore_wait_trap

    0x1a6442bf8 <+0>: mov    x16, #-0x24
    0x1a6442bfc <+4>: svc    #0x80
->  0x1a6442c00 <+8>: ret   

App > Thread 1 > 15 -[SKRenderer renderWithViewport:commandBuffer:renderPassDescriptor:]

SpriteKit`-[SKRenderer renderWithViewport:commandBuffer:renderPassDescriptor:]:
    0x1bf1227f4 <+0>:   pacibsp 
    0x1bf1227f8 <+4>:   stp    d11, d10, [sp, #-0x60]!
    0x1bf1227fc <+8>:   stp    d9, d8, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1bf122800 <+12>:  stp    x24, x23, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1bf122804 <+16>:  stp    x22, x21, [sp, #0x30]
    0x1bf122808 <+20>:  stp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x40]
    0x1bf12280c <+24>:  stp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x50]
    0x1bf122810 <+28>:  add    x29, sp, #0x50            ; =0x50 
    0x1bf122814 <+32>:  mov    x20, x3
    0x1bf122818 <+36>:  mov.16b v8, v3
    0x1bf12281c <+40>:  mov.16b v9, v2
    0x1bf122820 <+44>:  mov.16b v10, v1
    0x1bf122824 <+48>:  mov.16b v11, v0
    0x1bf122828 <+52>:  mov    x22, x0
    0x1bf12282c <+56>:  mov    x0, x2
    0x1bf122830 <+60>:  bl     0x1b8139128
    0x1bf122834 <+64>:  mov    x19, x0
    0x1bf122838 <+68>:  mov    x0, x20
    0x1bf12283c <+72>:  bl     0x1b8139128
    0x1bf122840 <+76>:  mov    x20, x0
    0x1bf122844 <+80>:  adrp   x8, 126727
    0x1bf122848 <+84>:  add    x1, x8, #0x9c2            ; =0x9c2 
    0x1bf12284c <+88>:  mov    x0, x19
    0x1bf122850 <+92>:  bl     0x1b81390b8
    0x1bf122854 <+96>:  mov    x29, x29
    0x1bf122858 <+100>: bl     0x1b8139158
    0x1bf12285c <+104>: mov    x21, x0
    0x1bf122860 <+108>: adrp   x8, 126734
    0x1bf122864 <+112>: add    x1, x8, #0x3c1            ; =0x3c1 
    0x1bf122868 <+116>: mov    x0, x19
    0x1bf12286c <+120>: mov    x2, x20
    0x1bf122870 <+124>: bl     0x1b81390b8
    0x1bf122874 <+128>: mov    x29, x29
    0x1bf122878 <+132>: bl     0x1b8139158
    0x1bf12287c <+136>: mov    x23, x0
    0x1bf122880 <+140>: adrp   x8, 126725
    0x1bf122884 <+144>: add    x1, x8, #0x696            ; =0x696 
    0x1bf122888 <+148>: adrp   x2, 163830
    0x1bf12288c <+152>: add    x2, x2, #0x6e0            ; =0x6e0 
    0x1bf122890 <+156>: bl     0x1b81390b8
    0x1bf122894 <+160>: adrp   x8, 129605
    0x1bf122898 <+164>: add    x1, x8, #0xbb7            ; =0xbb7 
    0x1bf12289c <+168>: mov.16b v0, v11
    0x1bf1228a0 <+172>: mov.16b v1, v10
    0x1bf1228a4 <+176>: mov.16b v2, v9
    0x1bf1228a8 <+180>: mov.16b v3, v8
    0x1bf1228ac <+184>: mov    x0, x22
    0x1bf1228b0 <+188>: mov    x2, x23
    0x1bf1228b4 <+192>: mov    x3, x20
    0x1bf1228b8 <+196>: mov    x4, x21
    0x1bf1228bc <+200>: bl     0x1b81390b8
->  0x1bf1228c0 <+204>: adrp   x8, 126721
    0x1bf1228c4 <+208>: add    x1, x8, #0x3a5            ; =0x3a5 
    0x1bf1228c8 <+212>: mov    x0, x23
    0x1bf1228cc <+216>: bl     0x1b81390b8
    0x1bf1228d0 <+220>: mov    x0, x23
    0x1bf1228d4 <+224>: bl     0x1b8139118
    0x1bf1228d8 <+228>: mov    x0, x21
    0x1bf1228dc <+232>: bl     0x1b8139118
    0x1bf1228e0 <+236>: mov    x0, x20
    0x1bf1228e4 <+240>: bl     0x1b8139118
    0x1bf1228e8 <+244>: mov    x0, x19
    0x1bf1228ec <+248>: ldp    x29, x30, [sp, #0x50]
    0x1bf1228f0 <+252>: ldp    x20, x19, [sp, #0x40]
    0x1bf1228f4 <+256>: ldp    x22, x21, [sp, #0x30]
    0x1bf1228f8 <+260>: ldp    x24, x23, [sp, #0x20]
    0x1bf1228fc <+264>: ldp    d9, d8, [sp, #0x10]
    0x1bf122900 <+268>: ldp    d11, d10, [sp], #0x60
    0x1bf122904 <+272>: autibsp 
    0x1bf122908 <+276>: b      0x1b8139118
    0x1bf12290c <+280>: mov    x22, x0
    0x1bf122910 <+284>: b      0x1bf122928               ; <+308>
    0x1bf122914 <+288>: mov    x22, x0
    0x1bf122918 <+292>: b      0x1bf122930               ; <+316>
    0x1bf12291c <+296>: mov    x22, x0
    0x1bf122920 <+300>: mov    x0, x23
    0x1bf122924 <+304>: bl     0x1b8139118
    0x1bf122928 <+308>: mov    x0, x21
    0x1bf12292c <+312>: bl     0x1b8139118
    0x1bf122930 <+316>: mov    x0, x20
    0x1bf122934 <+320>: bl     0x1b8139118
    0x1bf122938 <+324>: mov    x0, x19
    0x1bf12293c <+328>: bl     0x1b8139118
    0x1bf122940 <+332>: mov    x0, x22
    0x1bf122944 <+336>: bl     0x1b8138888
    0x1bf122948 <+340>: brk    #0x1

Next step in the thread shows the render method I posted above.

Anyone else having this issue? What could be the problem?


Im glad I saw your post! I am having the same exact issue! Unfortunetly, I do not have a solution and have been trying to find one for awhile. I actually encountered this issue before when I had installed the iOS 13 beta on my iPhone about a few months ago. I had to revert back to iOS 12 and that solved my solution.

Now, since Apple released iOS 13 (non-beta) I decided to give it another try but still no luck... and I am in the same situation you are in. When i run my program, the application opens and freezes about 0.5 second in. The background music is still playing but the screen is frozen and I cannot initiate any other action. But when I open the application by itself, it works just fine.

This issue definitely has something to do with the overlaySKScene method because when I comment it out and re-run, the scnscene renders just fine! I will continue to search for a solution.

Please please please let me know if you find a solution since your post or end up finding one in the near future. I was thinking about sending a ticket to Apple developers using the code-level support TSI. I'm assuming this is a minor bug within iOS 13 and in that case I'm hoping for an iOS 13 update soon that fixes this issue!

I also have the same experience.
At first I used xcode 11 gm ver. for my scenekit project, the same symptom happened.
Because there was no error and crashed, just the screen frozen, I thought it's an error. So I waited for offical version.
But when I try it using official version, it still happens.
Anybody who solved this issue, please share your solution.

Seems likes this is definitely a universal issue! Becuase I had made no changes to my code when I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 13 and now its freezing. I've seen issues somewhat related (but with SKActions I think...) to this and they are saying that you should make sure that the scene is not paused (i.e., skScene.isPaused = false). Apparently some of these methods are defaulted to false. Obviously I tried this and still no luck.

I am going to send a TSI ticket to Apple and let you all know.

Thank you jpalaka,

Keep us updated!

Ill continue to try and find a solution for this and let you know, but due to the fact that the app runs normally when I open it directly and doesn't work when executed from Xcode, makes me wonder if there is a coding fix for this.

Hello all,

As a workaround, I recommend that you try running your app with Metal API validation disabled (Click your build target -> Edit Scheme -> Options -> Metal API Validation -> Disabled).

Additionally, please file a bug report for this issue using our feedback assistant tool at:

Hmmm thank you gchiste. That does seem to work for the moment! Could you explain what disabling the Metal API validation actually does?

Could this scheme be set when you are ready to distribute the app in the App store? Or is the Metal API required because it is now an Apple standard?

With Metal API validation disabled, I do notice that the framerate is decreased just the tiniest amount. While it is very miniscule, there is a high probability that it will be noticable to the user/customer.

Regardless, thank you for the workaround!

Thank you gchiste,

I can confirm that this workaround works for me, too.

Thank you for the workaround!


  • Enabled: Metal performs runtime validation and assertion for Metal API calls.
  • Disabled: Metal doesn’t perform runtime validation and assertion for Metal API calls.

Metal API Validation will not be run unless you are debugging in Xcode and your scheme has it enabled, so this is not a concer for App Store distribution.

It is odd that your performance would decrease with api validation disabled, since you would no longer have the validation overhead.

Would it be possible for anyone to post a working sample project?

I've very courios to see how this works. thx

SKRenderer freezes with xcode11 ios13