Xcode 11 not released simultaneously with iOS 13?

Yesterday I installed the public release iOS 13 on my development iPhone, assuming that Xcode 11 was released as well.

This morning, I wanted to install the latest Xcode, only to find out that it was not released yet! So right now I cannot compile/test on my iOS 13 device (without switching over to Xcode beta).

I cannot remember that this has happened in the past. Again, I'm not interested in switching to Xcode beta/GM on this machine, as I'm in production environment. Does anyone has any insights on when Xcode 11 public release will be available? Was there ever a delay in Xcode release after public iOS release?


You can install Xcode 11 GM seed 2 side by side with Xcode 10.x. Just rename the .app file before moving it to the Applications folder.

I think Xcode public release is more tied to thr MacOS release than iOS release. Hasn't been a problem in the past since iOS and MacOS releases are usually within a day of each other. This year appears to be a deviation.

You can do all the development with GM2