(High Priority) XCode11: Recording UI test in Xcode, but the record button doesn't do anything

Recording UI test in Xcode 10.4.x worked well but after upgrading to XCode11 on 10.14.6 (18G95) recording doesnot generate script.

I have the exact same issue. Did you find a solution already?

I have the same issue. I tried making a new project in Xcode, started with the single-view app template, put one button in the middle of the screen, and tried to record tests and click on it. Recording appeared to start, but no output was recorded. Tried both Objective-C and Swift tests, and I set an accessibility identifier and label and such on the button in IB.

Recording is currently broken on iOS 13, but it does work on iOS 12 on Xcoce 11

So it also works on an iOS12 simulator? I will try this today. Can't believe Apple created (and didn't notice) such a big bug...

Got same issue here

Same issue here.. Hope they fix soon.

Same issue

I have the same issue. Very annoying.

Xcode 11 has an issue when you try to recored your testcase on simulators, recored your testcase on real device it will work successfully.

Still waiting for the fix. Can't believe this.
I have the same issue in Xcode 12. Anybody found a fix for this?

I have the same issue in Big Sur 11.3.1 and Xcode 12.5 in both device and simulator, any workarounds?

Same here (Big Sur 11.3.1 and Xcode 12.5). Pretty harsh one to ignore even for Apple, but yeah, no screenshot automation. Completely blows up our deadline. Billions of $ in profits from apps and still off-loading more and more hours onto devs with a sub-standard product.

I had the same problem. I downloaded Xcode 12.4, and it works well. You guys can try and using both Xcode versions. I hope Apple engineers will fix to next version

Update Xcode 13.0 beta. It's work 😃

This is officially fixed in Xcode 12.5.1


Resolved Issues

Fixed an issue which caused XCTest UI Recording to not emit automation code in iOS, tvOS, or watchOS. (77511696) (FB9096691)

(High Priority) XCode11: Recording UI test in Xcode, but the record button doesn't do anything