I've been getting the following error message: No supported iOS devices are available. Connect a device to run your application or choose a simulated device as the destination. I've tried to add a simulator/device and I've tried cleaning out my project.

I keep getting the following error message:

No supported iOS devices are available. Connect a device to run your application or choose a simulated device as the destination.

Not sure what is going on. This just started happening. It has been fine up to now. Not sure how to correct this. I tried cleaning the project and reseting the simulator.


I understand your question to devForums today is "I've been getting the following error message: No supported iOS devices are available. Connect a device to run your application or choose a simulated device as the destination. I've tried to add a simulator/device and I've tried cleaning out my project'"

We'll try our best to help you with that question.

Which version Xcode, on what macOS?

Do you have a valid paid Developer Program account, or are you attempting to utilize Xcode's free provisioning?

If you upgraded XCode, did you restart the Mac after ? You should.