Hi All,
I was looking into the Mac .help file and wondered if anyone had written one and if they knew of any pieces of software that aided in this?
I'm happy writing the HTML files it's just the admin involved for the other files I thought could be better suited to automation or an app.
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac ... 6-CIHEHEAC
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac ... intro.html
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac ... eHelp.html
http://blog.gamecraft.org/2009/10/three ... lp-part-1/
http://blog.gamecraft.org/2009/11/three ... lp-part-2/
[*]Help Indexer (/Developer/Applications/Utilities)
Can't find it at https://developer.apple.com/downloads/ or Xcode.app/Contents
http://devzone.touchdude.com/step-step- ... pplication
http://www.indoition.com/online-help-au ... survey.htm
I've used Help Scribble (http://www.helpscribble.com) in the past for Windows applications just wondered if there was something similar on the mac to create a .help file for my app.
I found it in the Downloads section under "Auxiliary Tools For Xcode 7"
I've also been using Help Crafter from http://www.putercraft.com, it's awesome.
I've been beta testing and suggestion features, very receptive.