Help File Creator

Hi All,

I was looking into the Mac .help file and wondered if anyone had written one and if they knew of any pieces of software that aided in this?

I'm happy writing the HTML files it's just the admin involved for the other files I thought could be better suited to automation or an app.

Links ... 6-CIHEHEAC ... intro.html ... eHelp.html

Blogs ... lp-part-1/ ... lp-part-2/

[*]Help Indexer (/Developer/Applications/Utilities)

Can't find it at or ... pplication

Apps ... survey.htm

I've used Help Scribble ( in the past for Windows applications just wondered if there was something similar on the mac to create a .help file for my app.


Answered by AlexHedley in 131473022

I found it in the Downloads section under "Auxiliary Tools For Xcode 7"

I've also been using Help Crafter from, it's awesome.

I've been beta testing and suggestion features, very receptive.

A late reply, but... Thanks for aggregating all these links in one place.

Where did you wind up with your implementation? I'm currently looking into options for creating local, HTML-based help in iOS apps.

Accepted Answer

I found it in the Downloads section under "Auxiliary Tools For Xcode 7"

I've also been using Help Crafter from, it's awesome.

I've been beta testing and suggestion features, very receptive.


Thanks for posting info. I'm having no luck with my app at all. Have you been able to do this in 10.11? I've seen a StackOverFlow posting that indicates Help Books for third party apps are broken in 10.10+.


Have you been creating a help file with the aux tools?

Do you mean Help Indexer? Yes, I ran that on my .help bundle. The first time I tried to call up the help book I had some very strange behaviour (flickering help viewer). After that; nothing. This is an update to an app so little has changed. I always find this stage very frustrating.

Do other help files work ok? I've had issues where builds of my app have a help file bundled and they conflict with each other. Take a backup of all of them then move them off the computer Make sure to search the whole File system, check the build locations of the app so you don't have old ones. WARNING You can then delete the cache found at ~/Library/Caches/* You'd have to stop the help service killall helpd Then you could delete the above files via terminal if you feel comfortable, they get recreated the next time you open them.

Thanks for trying help, Alex.

Sadly, still no luck and it looks like my help files are a bit screwed up as iTunes an Mail help don't work either.

Help File Creator