UITableView stops working in IOS 13 beta

I got a UITableView stops working in IOS 13 beta. Nothing special for the UITable, it used to work fine. Under IOS 13 beta, the view controller includes the table cannot be loaded. The screen is frozen when trying to go to that view. One warning seems to be new displayed as below in the debug info window. Any solution about that?

[TableView] Warning once only: UITableView was told to layout its visible cells and other contents without being in the view hierarchy (the table view or one of its superviews has not been added to a window). This may cause bugs by forcing views inside the table view to load and perform layout without accurate information (e.g. table view bounds, trait collection, layout margins, safe area insets, etc), and will also cause unnecessary performance overhead due to extra layout passes. Make a symbolic breakpoint at UITableViewAlertForLayoutOutsideViewHierarchy to catch this in the debugger and see what caused this to occur, so you can avoid this action altogether if possible, or defer it until the table view has been added to a window. Table view: <UITableView: 0x10389c400; frame = (20 123; 748 901); clipsToBounds = YES; autoresize = RM+BM; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x2839caa60>; layer = <CALayer: 0x283799f80>; contentOffset: {0, 0}; contentSize: {748, 1100}; adjustedContentInset: {0, 0, 0, 0}; dataSource: <ProgramViewController: 0x1032323a0>>