Apps using named colors with Xcode 11

Dear developers,

Please note that apps built with Xcode 11 containing named colors may crash or experience failed named color lookups on iOS 11 or earlier. To avoid this issue, raise the minimum deployment target to iOS 12 or later to submit to the App Store now, or rebuild with the next Xcode GM candidate seed when it's available.

Thanks for the information, will we definitely be getting a new GM seed before the release of iOS 13? And do you have a timeframe on it?

GM was available yesterday

There will be a second GM seed. jamesVroom is asking about that.

When is the next GM release with a fix for this? It is already 16th September.

Bug still exists with initial GM release. Hopefully xcode 11 doesn't go live with this nasty crash inducing issue.

Looks like GM2 just appeared on the downloads.

And declares bug is corrected.


Fixed an Asset Catalog bug that prevented named colors from being found at runtime when running on iOS 11. (54325712)

Uh oh, Xcode 11 GM seed 2 just disappeared again! .... and its back.

I concur - Xcode 11 GM 2 fixed the issue for my team's project.

Apps using named colors with Xcode 11