Xcode 11 beta 7 - Cannot select views in preview canvas

I am following the SwiftUI Tutorials, starting with the first one. I am running the latest macOS 10.15 Beta (19A546d) and Xcode version 11.0 beta 7 (11M392r). I launched Xcode, created a new SwiftUI project, and tried command-clicking on the Text view in the canvas preview but it appears that the entire device is selected and not just the Text view. I've tried clicking outside of the device and back on the Text view but it doesn't let me select just the Text view to inspect its properties. Is there something else I can try?

Here's a screen shot of Xcode in this state:


First advice: when in a tutorial, follow the steps as they come, don't try things (they may be explained a little lmater).

Second: to inspect, I think you need cmd-click the object and select "inspect".

See this other turorial

h ttps://codewithchris.com/swiftui-tutorial/

Third: this post would better be in SwiftUI

Good luck.

I'm experiencing the exact same problem, also running XCode 11 Beta 7.

Same problem here... (Xcode 11 beta7). It'a a bug probably. You can use cmd-click in code editor.

I'm experiencing the same issue as well. I've tried command-clicking UI elements in the canvas in Xcode on two different Macs and I get the same result... no contextual menu appears.
I'm also using macOS 10.15 Catalina beta 7, and Xcode 11 beta 7 on both Macs.

I get same issue.

Same here, Catalina build 19A546d and Xcode build 11M392r.

Same problem.

Xcode 11 beta 7 - Cannot select views in preview canvas