iOS 13 - UIPopoverPresentationController content visible in the arrow

Today I have updated my device to the latest iOS 13 beta and I have installed the latest beta of Xcode 11 to see if there are any problems I need to fix in my app.

All the popovers (when running in an iPad) in my app display they content misplaced. In previous versions the arrow of the popover had a solid color and the content was displayed without overlapping the arrow, now the content is cropped to the popover shape including the arrow.

I couldn't fin anything in the docs about this, has the behaviour changed in iOS 13? is this a bug? If not, how should I deal with it?

This is how I am displaying it:

let controller = MyController()
controller.modalPresentationStyle = .popover
controller.preferredContentSize = size

self.presenterViewController.present(controller, animated: true)


According to Tyler Fox (Apple employee) on Twitter, it's a deliberate change:
