iOS 13 App Store - Access to All Categories is not Accessible to users with disabilities

A number of my apps' customers are sight-impaired so I do a fair amount of accessibility testing with VoiceOver. The App Store app has a major accessibility problem dating back to the iOS 11 app store re-design with the majority of categories buried in favor of positioning "Games" on the main tab bar. Apple needs to make the app store categories equally accessible again in iOS 13.

The Games category is 1 tap away, but navigating to Education takes 3 taps and 3 page scrolls. When using VoiceOver this makes it extremely difficult to find even if you know where to look, and impossible if you don't know. A sight-impaired user is not going to instinctively know where that category is buried, so they're effectively excluded from access to it and 15 other categories like Medical, News, and Finance, that are only accessible from the full categories list.

Prior to iOS 11, there was a "Categories" button on the main Tab bar at the bottom of the App Store--tapping that button took the user to a full list of all 23 categories. It made access to all categories equally accessible to all users directly from the main App Store screen, which is important because it's a legal ADA requirement that the design is equally accessible to users with physical or mental disabilities.

With iOS 11, that "Categories" button was replaced with a "Games" tab linking directly to the Games category, and the link to the full categories list was moved 3 page-scrolls down under the "Apps" tab and was renamed to just a "See all" link positioned to the far-right of a heading labeled "Top Categories". The Top Categories section only displays 6 categories and leaves out key categories like "Education", so users need to tap "See All" to get there. When designing for Accessibility labeling a key navigational button "See all", burying it 3 pages down, and having it reference some other static text makes it impossible to navigate.

To make the App Store accessible again the "Categories" button should be returned to the main tab bar, or at least positioned at the Top of the "Apps" tab and clearly labeled.