Drag file promise and image

The macOS app I am working on displays an image in an NSImageView subclass. I want the user to be able to drag that image to the Finder to make a file and to other applications which can accept an image drop. To that end, my subclass adopts both the NSFilePromiseProviderDelegate and the NSPasteboardItemDataProvider protocols. I create dragging items using both protocols, and begin the dragging session with an array including both items.

Functionally, this works just the way I want it to. A drag to the Finder creates a file. A drag to an app that can accept an image drop places the image at the insertion point as expected.

The only fly in this particular ointment is the badge on the dragging image shows 2. My concern is that the user might get confused and think that 2 images are being dragged. Other apps that do this, in particular Photos and Safari, do not show the badge.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to do this that does not display the 2 item badge?

Thanks in advance.

Don Carlile