Xcode 11 Beta 5 Plugin Failure

I get a plugin loading error when I launch the latest Xcode beta. Anyone else seeing this? It looks like I might need a more recent version of Swift, but I have installed the Command Line Tools that are for Beta 5. And I'm really not keen on installing Development Snapshots of Swift even though there is one for Xcode published on the 25 July. Which is more recent than my libswiftCore.dylib that seems to be missing a symbol.

"Symbol not found: _$s2IDs12IdentifiablePTl\n Referenced from: /Applications/Xcode-beta.app/Contents/PlugIns/UVKit.framework/UVKit\n Expected in: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib"

Anyone know how to fix this? Or what I could try? Thanks.


Same here. Xcode 11 beta 5 on Catalina beta 5 on a 2019 iMac

The xcode beta download page has added

Xcode 11 beta 5 is intended for use with iOS 13 beta 5. There are known incompatibilities when using SwiftUI on macOS Catalina beta 4. Update to macOS Catalina beta 5 when it becomes available.

Same here, I thought I had a problem with my computer, so I reinstalled the Beta 4 MacOs and then downloaded and reinstal Beta 5 and still the same problem here


I reinstalled Catalina Beta 4 and downloaded a fresh Beta 5 Xcode and the plugin was still missing.

I am heading to the office and I will see if I have that plugin on my Beta 4 version.

Be back with a response unless someone else can check.


I'm well aware of that Ryan.

"when using SwiftUI"

The thing is I'm not actually using SwiftUI. Just starting Xcode. I upgraded Xcode early last time too, when Apple had the same warning, and didn't experience any plugin issues when launching the IDE. But you never know.

What makes you think the plugin is missing? It's in my Xcode package, for both Beta releases. The error I'm referring to is because the plugin code can't find a symbol in libswiftCore.dylib, which is in /usr/lib/swift. The plugin meta data does reference SwiftUI, mentioning VStack and "com.apple.dt.previews.metadata.SwiftUI", so perhaps it will shake itself out when Catalina Beta 5 is released.