Bluetooth Sharing toggle in app's settings


We're updating our app to iOS 13 and we are using CBPeripheralManager.

We obviously did add the NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription in our Info.plist.

We know that now, a system modal asking for the permission to scan Bluetooth devices will appear if we try to access a sensitive property.

If the user refuses, then our app will redirect the user if needed in our app's settings pane in the Settings app where the user can enable if he wants the Bluetooth Sharing toggle.

However, I noticed that our app gets killed when the toggle is switched on/off. LLDB is terminated due to signal 9 and when I get back to my app, my splashscreen gets displayed and it goes to our bootstrap process like any normal launch.

Our test phone is an iPhone 6S running iOS 13 beta 5 released a few hours ago (it was also happening running beta 4).

Is it expected behavior ? I don't think so but that's why I'm asking.

Thanks for your help!

Accepted Reply

According to a feedback by an Apple engineer, it behaves as expected.

It is due to the tccd daemon.


According to a feedback by an Apple engineer, it behaves as expected.

It is due to the tccd daemon.

is this still the expected behavior?