NavigationView broken in landscape

Anyone seeing this as well? This simple content will display a blank screen in landscape mode.


struct ContentView : View {

var body: some View {

NavigationView {

Text("Hello World")





I am seeing the same on iPad simulator in portrait orientation. iPhone simulator works just fine.

Still broken in beta 6.5 for me. The views don't even show up in the view debugger. Was hoping it, being one of the required working features, would be working 3 days before this innovation only event.

Of course it's probably something you have to do that you can't tell from documentation that will never be written. That's the worse part.

I am still seeing this in Xcode 11.1 in the simulator running 13.1. Has anyone found a work around?

I found the problem I was running into, hopefully it helps others as well.

It looks like NavigationView has a default navigationViewStyle of DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle which is the master/detail view style. This causes the NavigationView to treat its first child view as the master view and the second child as the detail view. On the iPhone the master view would be shown so things looked normal in portrait orientation. In landscape it wanted to show the detail view which in my case was not set so it would show nothing. I finally figured this out when I ran my app on the iPad and my view showed in the left side of a split view with the right side empty.



to the `NavigationView` definition fixed my issue.


Thank you jonsteinmetz! I encountered similar issue and your solution works for me.

NavigationView broken in landscape