WindowController won't close() in DispatchQueue ?

I have a weak var WindowController which will close outside a DispatchQueue but no way inside, calling main synchronously or async ?

Can you show how you call close() ?

Did you try to unown in dispatch closure ?


Works fine but nothing within a Queue.

What sort of queue? As always, you need to do it in the main queue.

I always use ... {...}

Tried both ...

DispatchQueue.main.async {...}
DispatchQueue.main.sync {...}

` {...}` cannot be an option. If you always use it and your app is working, it's sort of a miracle.

You usually use `DispatchQueue.main.async {...}` and when that does not work, you may have some flaws in other parts of your code.

If it's as bad as you say why does it exist ?

It does exit for other use cases, not for updating UI.

How can I unown ?

Here is the syntax in a closure:

lazy var someClosure: (Int, String) -> String = {

[unowned self, weak delegate = self.delegate!] (index: Int, stringToProcess: String) -> String in

// closure body goes here


Extrait de: Apple Inc. « The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4). » Apple Books.

May read this as well for more detailed illustration

h ttps://

But re-reading this thread, I think OOPer answer explains why it does not work.

Ok, thanks.

WindowController won't close() in DispatchQueue ?