if else Help

I am looking for a way to just change the color in an if statement. Is that possible or is the code below the best or the only way to do this?

                Section(header: Text("Detail Sections Verification")) {
                    if order.specialRequestEnabled {
                        Text("Information Verified")
                            .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity,
                                   alignment: .center)
                    } else {
                        Text("Information Not Verified")
                            .frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity,
                                   alignment: .center)

                    Toggle(isOn: $order.specialRequestEnabled) {
                        Text("Set if all data is verified")

Accepted Reply


.color(order.specialRequestEnabled ? .green : .red)



.color(order.specialRequestEnabled ? .green : .red)

Thank you very much. Answers here are very valuable to a beginner like myself.