Forcing user to share location

Dear community,

Any of you are aware if I can block further access to the app if location opt-in is not completed? Or I must allow access?


The ASRGs say this about that, sort of:

5.1.5 Location Services - Use Location services in your app only when it is directly relevant to the features and services provided by the app. Location-based APIs shouldn’t be used to provide emergency services or autonomous control over vehicles, aircraft, and other devices, except for small devices such as lightweight drones and toys, or remote control car alarm systems, etc. Ensure that you notify and obtain consent before collecting, transmitting, or using location data. If your app uses location services, be sure to explain the purpose in your app; refer to the Human Interface Guidelines for best practices on doing so.

I can say that I was allowed to put an app in the store where it's main purpose relied on being able to obtain the user's location. The app still ran, tho, and provided example representations based on a few default locations. Nothing was blocked outright. As a 'location aware app', I used the app's description to make it clear that the point of the app was to utilize location services.

In the end, it may depend on App Review's impression during review.