Unable to pair iPhone XS with Apple Watch 4


I can't pair my iPhone with my Apple Watch. My watch displays the pairing animation, but the Apple Watch App on my iPhone is stuck. It tells me that the the watch has to display the pairing animation, but nothing happens when I tap on "Continue". I can't get the pairing to start.

I tried rebooting both devices and reset the network settings on the iPhone.

Can anyone help?


Same here, new watch, cannot pair with iPhone XS Max on ios 13.0

Wants to update but cannot either. Anyone?

I had the same issue. Please follow exactly the next steps:

(a) Set the language and region to both iphone and watch to US (to change it in the watch press the "i" and follow the instructions)

(b) Try to pair and wait to finish, but on the message to press the "Corone" DO NOT PRESS IT! It is very important!

(c) At that moment install the watch beta profile from developers site and let the watch to complete the update, without using your phone in the mean time

(d) Normally after that will be OK.