Is there any way to know left or right click with the mouse when developing iPad Apps for Mac

I am using UIKITFORMAC to develop apps for both iOS and mac OS in mac OS Beta 10.15.when I tried to develop menu views while right click with mouse,I found it seems there is no way to know left or right click.

I study and UIGestureRecognizer in Developer Documentation, still confused...

Right click is equal to: "To reveal a context menu, people can use the system-defined touch and hold gesture or 3D Touch (3D Touch can make context menus appear more quickly). When open, a context menu displays a preview of the item and lists the commands that act on it. People can choose a command or drag the item to another area, window, or app."

Left click is just a tap.

Right click is also a tap when debugging, so how to distinguish left or right click.😕

Is there any way to know left or right click with the mouse when developing iPad Apps for Mac